Over the past decade, we have developed our exclusive BEST CRUISE LINE FOR YOU profile matrix. This program allows us to determine which specific cruise line, from among more than 40 options, most closely meets your personal needs and preferences.
For the very first time anywhere, you will now be able to have a group of award-winning cruise industry professionals select the cruise line that most closely meets your specific needs. There is no charge for this service.
Your Ship Profile selection will not be influenced by any commercial considerations. We do not accept cruise line sponsorship or advertising, and your responses are handled on a strictly confidential basis. We do not sell the names of visitors to our site. Our sole purpose is to offer the first-time or experienced cruiser an objective alternative to industry hype and hyperbole. We don’t want you to make a costly mistake when selecting the right ship or line.
This is not a robotic selection process. Instead, your responses to the questions that follow are carefully analyzed by our senior staff. Our recommendation is made by committee.
Our services are exclusively designed for the Intelligent Cruiser. We do not employ travel agents or commissioned salespeople. We have been in business for thirty-four years and we have been named the top-producing travel consultants in the Worldwide $27 Billion Virtuoso Group for four of the past five years while winning numerous industry awards. This site has a “testimonials” section. Look it over and please check us out thoroughly.
We will call you with our recommendation. If we are extremely busy, you will receive our recommendation by e-mail rather then phone. If more than two members of our Profile Committee are out of the country on ship inspections, you will be notified our response will take a bit longer. We trust you will understand that this is a serious process involving several people.
Please click on the one answer that best describes you (and your partner) and your personal cruise ship requirements. Press SEND when you have completed all questions. All fields are required; if a valid name, address, phone, and e-mail is not provided you will not receive an answer.
Your Profile will be evaluated and we will be back to you as soon as possible with the cruise line that comes closest tomeeting your needs along with one or two additional recommendations. You will not be contacted for follow-up.You will never hear from us again unless YOU choose to establish a relationship.
We are looking forward to the privilege of assisting you with this important vacation.
Churchill & Turen Ltd.
Offices: Naples FL – Naperville, IL – Rockwall, TX – 91 Worldwide Virtuoso On-Site Offices
630 – 717 – 7777 or Nationwide Toll-Free 800 – 445 – 7979
Named “Cruise Superstars” by the Editors of Conde Nast Traveler and “World’s Best Small-Ship Specialists”.